Embracing Change for Wellness
By Deborah Adams Change is something you either love or hate. Whether we like it or not, most of us deal with change because we have no choice as [...]
Healing Stress Through Touch
Stress. A word we hear much too often… “Oh, I’m have so much stress in my life”, “I’m so stressed-out”, “This job is too stressful”… we hear that [...]
Tap Out From Toxic People
By Deborah Adams We are infiltrated with toxins every day. Researchers believe the most prevalent toxins are in our air, water and food supply. Environmental toxins such as PCB’s (persist [...]
Heal Stress With Water
By Deborah Adams April rain showers refresh our earth to help green sprouts pop through the soil and blossom into a kaleidoscope of colors. We associate spring with water and [...]
Heal Stress Eating
Healstress Eating By Deborah Adams Many times when we get stressed we turn to food to comfort us, snacking or eating as a way to take [...]